
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi

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Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi (JET) is an open access, a peer-reviewed journal published by National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). We publish original research papers, review articles, and case studies on the latest research and developments in the field of electronics, telecommunications, and microelectronics engineering. JET is published twice a year (August and December) and uses single-blind peer review. It was first published in 2001. Online submission and publishing system using OJS has been adopted since Issue 1, Vol. 16, 2016. Starting Issue 2, Vol. 17, 2017, Submitted papers should be written in English.
All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical that are not published and under consideration for publication elsewhere. The publication of submitted manuscripts is subject to peer review, and both general and technical aspects of the submitted paper are reviewed before publication. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing. Submissions should be made online via JET submission site: Submit Paper. Accepted papers will be available online and will not be charged a publication fee.



Call for Papers


Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi (JET) calls Scholars, Academicians, Researchers, Engineers, and Industrial professionals to submit their unpublished original work, covering topics in Electronics, Telecommunication, and Microelectronics.

The submitted paper should follow the format available in the author's guideline.

Online submission and online publication in JET will be charged at no cost.

Posted: 2022-01-01 More...
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Vol 24, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents

Front Cover Vol. 24 No. 2
Preface Vol. 24 No. 2


Cucu Ika Agustyaningrum, Haryani Haryani, Agus Junaidi, Iwan Fadilah
80 - 87
Juan Marco Alexander Wasiatno, Leonardus Heru Pratomo
88 - 95
Budihardja Murtianta, Atyanta Nika Rumaksari
96 - 104
Firdaus Firdaus, Intan Aprillia Ikhsan, Rahmadi Kurnia, Ikhwana Elfitri
105 - 111
Julian Supardi, Samsuryadi Samsuryadi, Hadipurnawan Satria, Philip Alger M. Serrano, Arnelawati Arnelawati
112 - 119
Billi Clinton, Amperawan Amperawan, Tresna Dewi
120 - 128
Aif Umar Nawawi, Arjuni Budi Pantjawati, Aip Saripudin, Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakim, Nurhidayatulloh Nurhidayatulloh, Novia Karostiani, Bagaskara Anandayutya, Alvin Dzaki Pratama Darmawan
129 - 136
Yves Abessolo Mindzie, Joseph Kenfack, Brice Ekobo Akoa, Noé Paulin Frederic Ntouba, Blaise Njoya Fouedjou, Guy M. Toche Tchio, Joseph Voufo, Urbain Nzotcha
137 - 155
Mohamad Agung Prawira Negara, Fikri Mulyadi, Ali Rizal Chaidir, Khairul Anam
154 - 159
Fadil Habibi Danufane, Ashif Aminulloh Fathnan, Raden Priyo Hartono Adji, Arie Setiawan, Prasetyo Putranto
160 - 166
Appendix Vol. 24 No. 2
Back Cover Vol. 24 No. 2