
Band-Pass Filter Microstrip at 3 GHz Frequency Using Square Open-Loop Resonator for S-Band Radar Applications

  Rima Anisa Maulidini (1*), M. Reza Hidayat (2), Teguh Praludi (3)

(1) Faculty of Engineering Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani - Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Engineering Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani - Indonesia
(3) Research Center for Electronics and Telecomunnications, Indonesian Institutes of Sciences - Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author

Received: August 10, 2020; Revised: October 02, 2020
Accepted: November 02, 2020; Published: December 31, 2020

How to cite (IEEE): R. A. Maulidini, M. Hidayat,  and T. Praludi, "Band-Pass Filter Microstrip at 3 GHz Frequency Using Square Open-Loop Resonator for S-Band Radar Applications," Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 53-59, Dec. 2020. doi: 10.14203/jet.v20.53-59


In telecommunication, filters are often used to pass the desired frequency. One of them is the Band-Pass Filter (BPF) which is passing signals between the upper cut-off frequency and the lower cut-off frequency. This research aims to make a band-pass filter that can pass 3 GHz frequency with a bandwidth of 200 MHz. This filter is designed with a square open-loop resonator simulated using Advanced Design System (ADS) software. The filter is made using FR 4-epoxy substrates with a dielectric constant (ε ) of 4.6 and substrate thickness (h) of 1.6 mm. Based on the simulation results obtained in the form of a comparison graph between the response of magnitude to frequency, it shows that the value of the return loss (S 11 ) parameter of -23.549 dB, insertion loss (S 21 ) parameter value of -1.397 dB, and a slightly shifted middle frequency of 2.890 GHz. Then for the measurement results obtained a parameter value return loss (S 11 ) of -16.364 dB, parameter value insertion loss (S 21 ) of -3.561 dB with a center frequency of 3.185 GHz.



bandpass filter; filter; microstrip; square open-loop resonator

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